Friday, July 28, 2017

Purgatory Creek

Grandfather and grandkids hike at the Hell Creek Formation at sunset  Grandfather: After dark, you can sometimes see the spirits that haunt these hills  Unfulfilled in life, in death they wander until they find peace  Grandson: What kind of ghosts  Cowboys  Natives  Settlers  The ghosts of a pachycephalosaurus tyrannosaurus and torosaurus appear behind them  Grandfather: Mostly dinosaurs  Granddaughter: It's been sixty-five million years  Move on already
The Western U.S.A. is loaded to the brim with ghost stories of every kind.  Given that it's also home to many prominent fossil sites, including several at the famed Hell Creek Formation, I'm kind of surprised that I've not yet heard any stories concerning the wandering spirits of the less-recently-deceased.  Just imagine how much mileage you could get out of cowboys running into dinosaur ghosts. 

Friday, July 21, 2017

Grandma Cat

Mom cat: Hi, mom  Grandma cat: How's it going with the kittens  Mom: Pretty good  Aren't they adorable  Grandma: Eh  I've seen cuter  Mom: Uh-huh  Grandma looks at kittens melty-eyed, then snatches one  Grandma: I'm taking this, by the way  Mom: Hey

At one point in the long history of the feral cats that have lived on my family's property, there was one cat (nicknamed "the crotchety old grandma") who did exactly this.  The victim kitten in question protested very loudly. 

Friday, July 14, 2017

The Snafu Merit Badge

Two boy scouts sit on an overturned canoe in the middle of a lake, with a third below water  One tries to fix the oar with duct tape  Scout: I think we did something wrong  Their leader facepalms

At least they managed to keep their life jackets on. 

Snafu merit badge - noun:  The Boy Scout equivalent of the Darwin Award.  Given to individuals who, against the odds, manage to survive hilariously abysmal situations spawned of their own stupidity.  They're probably not going to earn anything else, so we might as well give them this. 

Origin:  July 2017; from the brain of a weirdo female cartoonist who otherwise has virtually nothing to do with any kind of Scouting program.  But it's funny, so let's see if it catches on.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Fellow Blood-Drinkers

Two vampires meet in an alley  Vampire: Can't find any good victims tonight  Nope  They're all watching the Kupkake Kaiser season finale  Sheesh  Come on  They transform into bats  At least we have juicy bugs to eat  Yep  Sure are a lot of mosquitoes out tonight  Vampire eating mosquitoe: Mm-hmm  They exchange glances  Both: Holy water  We're cannibals

Just some vampires having an identity crisis.  Nothing to see here. 

I suppose it could be worse, though.  In some cultures, vampires turn into insects...