Friday, October 27, 2017

Seriously Nuts

Sedna: Do you take anything seriously?  Thanatos juggles donuts: Nope!  Though I wonder what would happen if I did.  He stares into space.  All of humanity fears and despises me.  They mock and reject me, again and again!  But I am a Master of Death!  If they will not love me, they shall bow before me.  The heavens themselves will know my name and despair!  AH-HA-HA!!!  La Calavera: Um... should we, you know, stop him?  Hades: Nah, he needs to get this out of his system once per century.  He'll be finished in... three minutes and 48 seconds.
Thank you for tuning in to this regularly scheduled crazy.  Donations (and donut-tions) will be accepted, and proceeds will go to the Thanatos Sanity Recovery fund, the Sedna Trauma Recovery fund, and the La Calavera Catrina and Hades Safety Bunker fund.

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