Friday, November 24, 2017

Imagine That

While waiting for someone, Erin dives into fantastic adventures in her imagination.    Person: Sorry to keep you waiting.  Were you very bored?  Erin: What is this "bored" you speak of?

Reason why normal people and I don't understand each other #516. 

In other news, besides the word balloons and a few minor edits, this was entirely done in watercolor.  Because why not?  Pros: looks cool if done right.  Cons: erasing is nigh-impossible, which allows "what on earth was I thinking?" moments to crop up a bit more often.  Ah, well.  Live and learn.

Friday, November 17, 2017


A girl leans backwards over the top of the couch where her roommate is sitting, trying to read: I just realized that you can't spell "pearl" without "pear!!!"
They need the sleep.  I need the sleep.  We all need the sleep.  We shall conquer the sleep.  We shall devour the sleep.  We shall drink of its tears.  We shall not sleep until we have sleep.  The sleep shall sleep with one eye open, knowing that we are coming for it.  The sleep shall be ours, or the sleep shall suffer the consequences! 


Hi.  How are you?

Friday, November 10, 2017

The Science of Fiction

A librarian looks over a large stack of library books.  Librarian: The Properties of Gravity.  String Theory and More.  Quantum physics, antimatter, outer space phenomena, interstellar travel...  You working on your PhD?  Patron: Nope.  My sci-fi novel.

Back in 9th grade, I once had the audacity to ask my Geometry teacher when I'd ever use the material covered in his class, seeing as I was planning to go into the arts. Ten years later, I'm not only using geometry in my artwork, but have found myself researching (or at least getting a cursory knowledge of) an absurd amount of topics so I can have enough realism when I write fiction. To illustrate, here's a list of all the stuff (so far) I've had to study in writing one story in particular:
  • various mythologies
  • noosphere
  • Spanish vocabulary
  • Japanese vocabulary
  • Shakespeare
  • iguanas
  • posttraumatic stress disorder
  • false memory
  • hyperopia
  • toothpaste
  • foreign traffic signs
  • artichokes
  • Hangul
  • ley lines
  • blood
  • dryads
  • longitude

And let the wild mass guessing on what the heck I'm writing begin... now!

Friday, November 3, 2017

"A" for Effort

Pearl notices that Mel has earned an A+ on her latest test.  Pearl:  Wow.  How do you get such good grades?  Carmine:  You know what she's going to say, right?  Mel:  Well for starters, I spend my time studying instead of wasting it trying to kill my roommates.  Pearl: mmph  Carmine:  ...Yep.  There's the guilt.
Sleep, good grades, and plotting against your roommates.  Pick two. 

Rather than trying to kill your roommates, you might try messing with them instead.  It's better at relieving stress (yours, anyway), and doesn't come out of your deposit (probably)!