Friday, November 10, 2017

The Science of Fiction

A librarian looks over a large stack of library books.  Librarian: The Properties of Gravity.  String Theory and More.  Quantum physics, antimatter, outer space phenomena, interstellar travel...  You working on your PhD?  Patron: Nope.  My sci-fi novel.

Back in 9th grade, I once had the audacity to ask my Geometry teacher when I'd ever use the material covered in his class, seeing as I was planning to go into the arts. Ten years later, I'm not only using geometry in my artwork, but have found myself researching (or at least getting a cursory knowledge of) an absurd amount of topics so I can have enough realism when I write fiction. To illustrate, here's a list of all the stuff (so far) I've had to study in writing one story in particular:
  • various mythologies
  • noosphere
  • Spanish vocabulary
  • Japanese vocabulary
  • Shakespeare
  • iguanas
  • posttraumatic stress disorder
  • false memory
  • hyperopia
  • toothpaste
  • foreign traffic signs
  • artichokes
  • Hangul
  • ley lines
  • blood
  • dryads
  • longitude

And let the wild mass guessing on what the heck I'm writing begin... now!

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