Friday, April 27, 2018

High School Lesson #1731

A girl sits at her table of wares, holding a pendant: This charm is rumored to give the holder serenity and wisdom-  Boy holds up money: I'll take twenty-three.  High School Lesson #1731: You can make a fortune selling pencils, energy snacks, and good luck charms prior to SATs and finals week.

I'm sure the Economics teacher could have fun with this one, if he's not already contributing to the chaos. 

Friday, April 20, 2018


Old man with a walker watches a police car race by, then switches his walker to "jetpack mode."  Some superheroes have a retirement plan.  Others are the retirement plan.  Evildoers, fear the might of the Octogenerian!

Some superheroes get their powers in nuclear accidents.  Others get them from health care procedures. 

It's fun to watch criminals squirm when they have to explain that they got taken down by an old guy with a walker. 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Homophone Spelling Bee

Judge:  Spell "there."  Student:  Er, could I have it in a sentence?  Judge:  "They're over there on their lawn."  Student:  Wow.  Could I have a definition?  Judge:  A word between four and seven letters long that starts with the letters "T-H-E"  Student:  That's not what I...  Fine.  T-H-E-I-R.  "Their."  Judge:  Incorrect.  Student:  Oh, come on!

This will be followed up by "raze."  Sentence: "They razed the flag."  Definition: "The opposite of 'raise.'"  Good luck. 

Friday, April 6, 2018

The Depriver of Happiness

A boy looks distraught after taking a bite of chocolate, while a vampire girl cheerfully hangs upside-down above him.  Boy: This chocolate is bitter and stripped of happiness.  Watch for the warning signs.  Don't become the Sugar Vampire's next victim.

O Sugar, Sugar! wherefore art thou Sugar?
Deny thy sugar and refuse thy sugar!
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my sugar,
And I'll no longer be a sugar.
'Tis but thy sugar that is my sugar.
Thou art thyself, though not a Sugar.
What's Sugar? it is nor sugar, nor sugar,
Nor sugar, nor sugar, nor any other sugar
Belonging to a sugar. O, be some other sugar!
What's in a sugar? That which we call a sugar
By any other name would taste as sweet.
So Sugar would, were it not Sugar call'd,
Retain that dear sugar which it owes
Without that title. Sugar, doff thy name;
And for that sugar, which is no part of thee,
Take all myself.
Sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar.

It's been a long week, okay?