Friday, May 25, 2018


The laser cat:  I don't chase the red dot.  I am the red dot!

Green fluorescent cats are already a thing, so it's only a matter of time before this happens.  Hopefully the consequences won't be... catastrophic. 

I'll see myself out. 

Friday, May 18, 2018

Everyone Understands

A shot of a hallway during finals week.  It's lined with panicked students studying, crying, laughing hysterically, chugging caffeine, and one sleeping in a cot.

Dashing through the halls
In a worn-out pair of shoes
I've little left to win
And everything to lose
I know I'm running late
It's ten seconds to eight
I run into the classroom where
Ms. Jones decrees my fate.

Oh, finals week, finals week
Judgment day is here
Sleepless nights proliferate
This dreaded time of year
Finals week, finals week
The outcome's pretty clear
Try to run, but can't escape
The student's greatest fear.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

A Slight Miscalculation

And now for something a little different...
Back in high school I wrote a short story.  I never really planned to do anything more with it, but then a couple years later I had the idea of turning it into a comic. 
I... really didn't know what I was getting myself into.
So, many years and tears (and possibly Tears for Fears) after its initial creation, along with a few bajillion edits, I am finally proud to present:

Cover art for "A Slight Miscalculation," featuring Blake, Armageddon, and Monitor.
Herein is the story of an average guy... who's a well-intentioned extremist, rules twelve planets, commands an army of cyborg lizardmen, has a snarky son to deal with, and may need to lighten up.  You can also read it here.

Also, I wrote a soundtrack of sorts to go with it, so you can listen to that here.

And now... the rest of the story!

Friday, May 4, 2018

Inappropriate Appropriation

Mel enters the apartment to discover that once again, Pearl and Carmine have turned the living room into a war zone, complete with forts.  Pearl has the sofa and an ax.  Carmine has comandeered Mel's textbooks, blankets, and wolf plushie for hers.  Carmine: Okay, so I needed to reinforce my fort, and I had to make do with what was around, and your stuff was just lying around, and you weren't around so I couldn't ask, so...  Mel: I was gone for five minutes!

College textbooks make for effective barricades/ballast/weights/improvised thrown weaponry.