Friday, September 28, 2018

Figure Drawing Fortune

Fortunately, I got into the figure drawing class I wanted.  Unfortunately, it turns out that figure drawing generally involves nude models.  Fortunately, I went to a conservative school where the models at least wear underwear.  Unfortunately... that doesn't diminish the awkwardness much when your roommate's boyfriend turns up as the model.  Boyfriend:  Oh, hi Erin!

Thankfully, the art department had a large number of models, so I think I only ran into him under these circumstances once.  But it was small consolation, given that he still dropped by my apartment to visit my roommate.

Friday, September 21, 2018

High School Lesson #5494

A group of heavily-armored Westpoint High School cheerleaders stand next to a group of skinny, traditional cheerleaders from Clark Valley.  "Seriously?  You didn't even bring any cougar repellant?"  High School Lesson #5494:  There are approximately 87 reasons why cheerleaders should wear body armor, and most of them can happen during a typical football game.

Clark Valley prepared for their match against Westpoint High in all the wrong ways. 

Friday, September 7, 2018

A Truncated Offer

Pearl:  I need to pick up some things from the store.  Can you give me a ride?  Mel (working on homework):  Can't.  My cousin is borrowing my car until tomorrow.  Carmine, didn't you say you had a car?  Carmine (reading a Super Vampire comic book):  Technically my brother's, but yeah.  I still need to get that body out of the trunk, though.  Pearl:  You have a dead body in your trunk?!?  Carmine:  I never said dead.  He's still alive ...probably.  Pearl grabs her ax and advances.  Carmine:  I'm kidding, I'm kidding!  Mel:  You know, walking there would probably take less time than killing each other.

Helpful Hint:  If people can't tell if you're joking or not, you probably shouldn't be joking.