Friday, October 26, 2018

Your Permanent Record

Sedna meets with a recently-deceased man and reads his report, with the help of her seal friend.  Sedna: I'm afraid we have to send you to "Anti-Stupid Camp."  Man: Say what?  Sedna: Simply put, the nature of your death indicates a crippling lack of common sense.  You won't be permitted into the afterlife until you improve it at least a few points.  Man: Stop messing with me.  It wasn't that bad.  Sedna: To impress some friends, you attempted to dive from the top of a moving bullet train into a very narrow canal.  Can you see the problem here?  Man: ...I'm dead?  Sedna: You are extremely dead!!!  Thanatos (leading the man away):  Relax.  If you do well enough on your first assessment, I won't make you wear the clown wig.  Behind them, Senda grumbles about Darwin Award winners while her seal comforts her.

Learn in this life so you don't have to learn in the next one.  And also so you can continue having this life.

This is the final Deities of Death cartoon for the year, so I wish you a happy Halloween, along with the hope that you never run into Sedna and Thanatos under these (or any) circumstances. 

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