Friday, June 28, 2019

Pet Names

An enthusiastic little girl squees over her new pet bunny.  Girl:  Oh my goodness, you are the most adorable widdle bunny in the whole wide world!  Yes, you are!  I'm gonna name you "Bon-Bon!"  Rabbit:  I think I'll name you "Noisy."

All things considered, "That Person Who Feeds Me" isn't the worst thing your pet could call you. 

Friday, June 21, 2019


Mel:  What's that?  Carmine:  Assignment for one of my botany classes.  I'm supposed to care for it for the next week.  Pearl:  Bloodwort, huh?  Carmine:  You're not even looking at it.  Pearl:  Don't have to.  I don't even know what they look like.  Carmine:  Stop assuming things!  Just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean everything I'm involved in has to do with blood.  Mel:  So what kind of plant is it?  Carmine:  ...a bloodwort.  For the record, it's not even edible.

Some reputations are pretty well-deserved.

And yes, bloodworts got their name from having red sap... which happens to be highly toxic.  Good for use as a dye.  Not-so-good for a snack. 

Friday, June 14, 2019

Ice Cream Grown

Cutaway image of ice cream cones growing in the garden, with the ice cream above ground and the cones serving as roots below.  Behind them a pair of creamsicles are growing.

There's more than one way to make an ice cream cone, and this way you can justify the end result as vegetables. 

Friday, June 7, 2019


Girl:  This summer I'm going to read every baked goods murder mystery series the library has.  Guy:  That's... very specific.  Should take you, what, two days?  Girl drops an enormous stack of books on the table.  Guy:  Holy...!  Girl:  Let us begin.

There's some very specific genres out there that you wouldn't think there would even be one book of, let alone several, but there they are.  For instance, Nascar Christmas romance anthologies.  Yes, really.