Friday, June 21, 2019


Mel:  What's that?  Carmine:  Assignment for one of my botany classes.  I'm supposed to care for it for the next week.  Pearl:  Bloodwort, huh?  Carmine:  You're not even looking at it.  Pearl:  Don't have to.  I don't even know what they look like.  Carmine:  Stop assuming things!  Just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean everything I'm involved in has to do with blood.  Mel:  So what kind of plant is it?  Carmine:  ...a bloodwort.  For the record, it's not even edible.

Some reputations are pretty well-deserved.

And yes, bloodworts got their name from having red sap... which happens to be highly toxic.  Good for use as a dye.  Not-so-good for a snack. 

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