Friday, July 26, 2019

Mechanical Machination

Washing machine:  I'm sorry, everyone.  I just can't hold out any longer.  Furnace:  I cannot live if you must die!  Freezer:  Don't leave me here alone!  Homeowner:  Why is everything dying at the same time?!?

Appliances are very needy.  Need to be cleaned.  Need to have maintenance.  Need a steady balanced diet of electricity  Need a kiss and a hug whenever they get damaged, or they whine like no other.  They have very fragile psyches, which you wouldn't expect from things like a two-ton industrial refrigerator, but there you go. 

Friday, July 19, 2019

High School Lesson #2644

High School Lesson #2644:  Summer school should be avoided, but not for the reasons you're thinking of. (A group of students cower behind a teacher's desk, which marmot shadows are projected on the wall behind them.  "The marmots are holding us for hostage, and they have muskets!")

Go to summer school to fix up your Algebra 2 skills.  Come back having learned survival, strategy, teamwork, and basic warfare.  It's all educational. 

Friday, July 12, 2019

Friday, July 5, 2019

Trifolium Tritium

Two kids are in a field, the girl picking clover.  Boy: There used to be clover growing around my house, but then there was a nuclear accident in the front yard.  Now we have glowver.  A pair of superheroes fly overhead.  Boy: ...Also, my parents have superpowers now.

It's not often that bad puns and superhero origin stories cross paths.  Maybe for good reason.