Friday, August 30, 2019

Off to Battle

A woman in military dress:  Okay, soldier!  I don't want to hear any whining or excuses out of you.  There's a battle out there, and you are going to go out there and fight to your very last breath!  Do you hear me?!?  She's shown to be talking to herself in a mirror, smiles, and takes off her hat.  She's next shown to be in a Kindergarten classroom, where she is the teacher, and gets mobbled by students.    Kid 1:  Hi, Miss Jory!  Kid 2:  Look what I can do with my tongue!  Kid 3:  I jumped in a puddle, and now my shoes are wet.  Kid 4:  Can we play with the blocks?  Kid 5:  Say something silly!  Kid 6:  I saw a bird!  Kid 7:  Ooh!  Are we painting today?

Or in other words, bring out the animal crackers!  It's already a circus!

I've managed to avoid most direct interactions with kindergarten classes since I got out of elementary school, but looking back I think my teacher must have had superpowers. 

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