Friday, June 19, 2020

Tripping the Light Fantastic

Friend:  So how's work going?  Andrew:  Well, it pays for tuition.  And donuts.  Chen:  Greetings, friends!  Is this not a glorious morning?  Andrew:  Oh, hey Chen.  Anni:  Haven't seen you around in a while.  Friend:  Cartoon... Chinese... vampire deer... fairy princess... I on drugs?  Andrew:  Nope.  Anni:  What you are experiencing is a normal reaction to the Chen Pi Phenominon.  Now, take deep, cleansing breaths...

Introducing the third and final of Anni Seed's cousins, Chen Pi.  She's a Chinese water deer, which do indeed have tusks, and has never quite figured out that some people find her appearance ...odd.

Her given name is Chen.  In Western name order her name is Chen Pi.  In Eastern name order her name is Chen Pi.  She's a cartoon Chinese vampire deer fairy princess.  Just go with it. 

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