Friday, July 24, 2020

Olympic Chopsticks

Olympic Games:  Chopstick Event (competitors attempt to eat an increasingly absurd variety of foods using only chopsticks)  Competitors include U.S.A., Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, China, and Ireland.  Round 1:  Spaghetti (China, Thailand, and Australia are eliminated)  Round 3:  Watermelon Slices (U.S.A., South Korea, and Japan are eliminated)  Round 5:  Water  Hong Kong:  How are you still in?  Ireland:  Luck of the Irish?

The 2020 Olympics were originally slated to start about now, before the planet closed for cleaning and they got delayed.  But I decided to do something Olympic-themed anyway, which naturally had to be absolutely ridiculous.  For the record, I came up with this joke before I remembered that the host city is to be Tokyo. 

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