Friday, September 25, 2020

Pan Pan-Pan Pan

Person 1:  What is that?  Person 2:  It's a pan I invented to cook bread in.  And since the word for bread in some languages is pan, I'm calling it... the Pan Pan!  Person 1:  Uh-huh.  Person 2:  And I want to make all kinds of bread in it, so that makes it a Pan-Pan Pan!  Person 1 makes a disgusted face.  Person 2:  And if I name it after the Greek goat god of the wild, then it's-  Person 1:  Time for you to go to bed.

I don't feel nearly as guilty about this as I really should. 

In fact, I could have gone further and included the Polish card game Pan, camera panning, Mexico's Partido Acción Nacional, the international urgency signal PAN-PAN, and the ancient Hindu kingdom of Panpan. 
Panpan PAN Pan Pan PAN-PAN Pan Pan-Pan Pan. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

Friday, September 4, 2020

Stalk Like an Egyptian

A vampire pokes his head in during the Egyptian mummification process.  Vampire:  Need some help?  Embalmer:  Get out!!!

Wherever and whenever vital fluids are being drained, blood-sucking fiends will follow.  As if reaching the Egyptian afterlife wasn't complicated enough already. 

While sketching this out, I seriously considered if there was any tasteful way to depict a severed liver.  I found none.  Lucky you. 

Thursday, September 3, 2020

High School Lessons on Webtoon (Special Announcement!)

I'm pleased to announce that I just started a new webcomic on Webtoon!  It's called High School Lessons, which naturally is based off the "High School Lessons" cartoons that keep showing up here.  The new webcomic follows Rowan Wolford, a former student at Westpoint High, as she recounts the crazy things that have happened there.  Don't worry - I'll still be posting HSL cartoons here - you just get extra comics every week. 

Read the first episode here. 

Thanks, everyone!