Friday, October 16, 2020

Unforseen Duties

Hypnos lounges on a couch, on his laptop.  Thanatos suddenly runs past, pursued by Hades.  Thanatos:  Hi, Hypnos!  Bye, Hypnos!  Hades:  Turn!  In!  Your!  PAPERWORK!  Hypnos frowns, then types up an internet search:  Do personifications of death need to do paperwork?

Thanatos and Hades look a little worked up.  A nap might help.  You know, once the personification of sleep finishes consulting the internet. 

Friday, October 9, 2020

Revised and Expanded

Thoth confronts Osiris and Anubis, slamming down a ridiculously thick copy of The Book of the Dead (562nd edition, written by Thoth, revised and expanded by Osiris and Anubis).  Thoth:  In case I was overly subtle before, kindly stop including spells on earwax removal, or we'll see what happens when this thing impacts your noses at high velocity.  Isis:  Is that what happened to the Sphinx?

If you're going to take liberties with someone's manuscript, you might want to think twice if that someone happens to be a god of writing.  And also if he can easily weaponize your work against you in the most painfully literal way possible. 

Friday, October 2, 2020

Deadly Secrets

Hel:  So what's with the robe anyway?  Grim:  I happen to like it.  Thanatos (peeking under the hem):  Nice PJs.

Some days he might be wearing a business suit under his robe.  Other days it might be pajamas.  Or it could be something else entirely, like a kilt or a luchador costume.  But you'll never really know, and from now on you'll always be wondering. 
Except today.  Today it's pretty obvious. 

And with that, let the 10th annual Deities of Death Fest commence!