Friday, February 25, 2022

Friday, February 18, 2022

Carrot Cultists

A cat is surrounded by other cats bearing carrots and maniacally hissing "Carrots... Join us..."

I'm pretty sure the cats at my house don't eat carrots.  They do, however, eat corn, green beans, and cantaloupe rinds.   They're actually kind of obsessed. 

Friday, February 11, 2022

Golden Silence

A pair of figure skaters at the Olympics perform a dance routine that involves them thrashing around, slack-jawed.  After they finish, the audience sits in stunned silence, while the reporters try to figure out what to say.  Reporter 1:  You're on.  Say something!  Reporter 2 (covering the mike):  Like what?  That they looked like zombie marionettes?  Reporter 3:  Well, you can't say that...

This may or may not be based on an actual Olympics routine I once saw.  If it is, I didn't search to see who did it, both to protect the guilty and allow me to continue believing that the whole thing was just a fever dream.  

Friday, February 4, 2022