Friday, January 20, 2023

Fire Cat

Fire Cat Owner:  Hello, Fire Department?  My cat's up in a tree, and I need you to get him down.   FD:  Ma'am, that really isn't our jurisdiction.  I can give you the number for - Owner:  He tends to spontaneously combust.  Aaand, right on cue.   FD:  On our way.

With a pet like this, you can save on heating bills.  Not insurance, though. 

Friday, January 13, 2023

Rabid Vampire

Two people run from some vampires.   "That vampire has rabies.  Don't let him bite you!" "Are you implying there are circumstances where I'd want to be bitten by a vampire?"

Admittedly, with some vampires it's hard to tell the difference.  

Friday, January 6, 2023