Friday, May 19, 2023

House Grouse

Things people don't want to hear the day before they move into a new house:   "They found a bear in the bathtub." "There's some odd screaming coming from the basement.  Probably nothing." "The new neighbors just converted their house into a giant loudspeaker." "Your house also moved."

To be fair, the circumstances in which these statements would actually be desirable are very minimal. 

Friday, May 12, 2023


A dragon student tries to secretly roast marshmallows under his desk at school. Teacher:  Then after we solve for x...  Iggy, stop that!

 I have a feeling the smoke alarm gets a workout around here. 

Saturday, May 6, 2023

End of the Rope

An obnoxious girl handling the rope on a piñata keeps yanking it up out of reach where people trying to hit it don't have a chance, even if they weren't blindfolded.  They get revenge when it's her turn to take a whack by quietly lowering it all the way to the ground, while she expects it to be above her head.

 Closely related to the Golden Rule is the Piñata Rule:  "Handle piñatas of others as ye would have them handle yours."