Friday, October 20, 2023

Questionable Decor

The Death Deities inspect the Sedlec Ossuary, particularly the bone chandelier.   Hel:  I'm not sure if I should laugh or scream. Grim:  Yes?

Congratulations.  You managed to confuse and concern even personifications of Death.  

So this here is Sedlec Ossuary, located at a Roman Catholic chapel in the Czech Republic.  At one point an abbot sprinkled some dirt he had collected from Golgotha over the cemetery, which resulted in a slightly ridiculous number of people wanting to be buried there.  After six hundred years, and after many, many attempts at getting all the bones organized, they finally employed a guy named FrantiĊĦek Rint to do the job.  This was a mistake.  His idea of organization was crafting human remains into chandeliers and garlands.  He signed his name to his work - in bones, of course.  And now it forever serves as inspiration for filmmakers who need creepy backdrops.  I'm sure that's definitely what those monks intended. 

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