Saturday, February 17, 2024

Series Serious

A boy and girl at the library both go for a book at the same time.   Boy:  Oh, pardon me. Girl:  Sorry. Boy:  You like this series too? Girl:  It's my favorite!  I've read the whole thing a dozen times. Boy:  Me too!  All the characters and monsters are so cool! Girl:  I know, right?  And that part when Jared summons the Revenant Sword? Boy:  Oh, that was beautiful.  I just wish that people would stop- Girl:  The only problem is that people keep- unison:  -reading the books chronologically instead of in publication order! 	They exchange glances, and then start kissing.   Librarian (confused):  Wait.  Aren't those horror books?

And they all lived happily ever after.  Hopefully. 

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