Friday, April 26, 2024

The Cat's Funeral

Alex is digging the grave while Erin looks into the box.   Erin:  You know, I think he's still giving me a death glare.  Which is actually kind of funny. Alex:  Okay, I think it's deep enough now. Erin (putting the box in):  Should I say a few words?  They stand and bow their heads.  Siren the cat, we didn't know you very long, though you looked at us with great reproach.  But may you find sunlit meadows, plenty of food, and no carrot cultists.  Amen. Alex (starts filling in the hole and singing):  Sweet dreams are made of these, who am I to disagree?  Erin joins in.  I travel the world and the seven seas, everybody is looking for something...

The true story of a funeral held for a particularly ornery cat.  R.I.P. Siren. 

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