Friday, March 14, 2025


A spacecraft is out of fuel and stranded.   So we're out of fuel. Yep. And stranded. Yep. In hindsight, a candy-based propulsion system wasn't the most effective choice.

There are ways to be both whimsical and practical.  This isn't it.  

Hopefully they have real food on board, lest they be tempted to try and eat the hull.  

Friday, March 7, 2025

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Hero Dog

Superhero version of Rosey has the power of a cast-iron stomach, and uses her power to free her fellow canines of the temptation to eat a ton of chocolate cookies.   Rosey:  With the power of my cast-iron stomach, I shall save you from the temptation to eat chocolate cookies! Dog:  Hooray!  My hero!

Inspired by my old dog Rosey.  You be the judge on whether she actually used her powers for good.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

It's Been a Long Week

It's been a long week.  Here's a ninja bilby riding a purple dik-dik.

Don't question it.  Although do go ahead and look up pictures of those tiny antelope, because they're adorable. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

A Questionable Standard

How to make an industry standard romance novel cover:   1.  Get a guy and a girl.   2.  Drape them in each other's arms.   3.  And have them stare into each other's eyeballs.   4.  At the same time.   5.  Half-close their eyes, which apparently shouldn't make them look bored.   6.  Make the guy shirtless (optional).   7.  Uncover one of the girl's shoulders (mandatory).   Variation A:  Have the guy standing behind the girl, while she looks over her shoulder vaguely in his direction.   Variation B:  Apply the above steps, but with their heads beyond the page boundary.  Theoretically their heads should still be attached, but you never know.

Working at a library, I notice certain trends.  I like to collectively call them "yes, you can judge a book by it's cover."  Judge 'em hard.  They've earned it. 

Friday, February 7, 2025


A dragon is engulfed by a hoard of adorable killer pink bunnies.   dragon:  I'm fine... other dragon:  I told you that you weren't ready for this kind of hoard.

Hoarding behavior can be dangerous.  Even if it's very cute. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday, January 24, 2025

Friday, January 3, 2025