Friday, November 25, 2011

Thicker Than Blood

Mel calls Steve: Hey, Steve  How was your Thanksgiving  Could have been better  Oh  You know how there are a lot of vampires on my mom's side  We invited them to dinner  Are you alright  I'm fine  There was so much food that they practically ignored me  So vampires like turkey, huh  We didn't have turkey  Then what did you  Blood sausage  Oh gross  By the way, do you have any extra mouthwash  I'm all out  Steve is surrounded by empty mouthwash bottles

First of all, I would like to acknowledge that blood sausage is apparently a revered dish in some cultures.  If I have offended someone by using it as the subject of my humor, I apologize. 
But I'm not changing the comic. 

Second of all, I would like to express my deepest sympathy for anyone who happens to have a vampire for a relative. 

That is all. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 18, 2011

One Night in College

It's the middle of the night, Erin is trying to sleep, and people are loudly chatting and playing music out her window  I shouldn't kill people  Killing people is bad  I shouldn't kill people, even if I really, really, really want to

There's a saying you often hear at college:  "Good grades, sleep, and a social life.  Pick two." 

I gave up a social life, and I still don't get any sleep.  I have no idea why.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

Bonfire Mania

A unicorn sets up a bonfire, while his friend watches  So, you're celebrating a British holiday, even though you're not British  Yep  But that does't make any sense  I mean  Wait, are those sparklers  Celebrate Guy Fawkes Night  It's an excuse to play with fire

My family is probably the only one in the state, if not this side of the country, that celebrates this. 
To those of you that don't know, November 5th is the day when the Brits ritually build a bonfire so they can burn an effigy of the guy who tried to blow up Parliament.  And then they light off the fireworks. 

And why did I draw unicorns?  Because I figured that because unicorns are magical, it's logical that there would be some who could conjure fire, which is handy for lighting fuses, and vampires don't like fire much so I couldn't draw those, and...
Oh, who am I kidding?  I like drawing unicorns, and I needed an excuse to stick them into another comic.  End of story.