Friday, November 4, 2011

Bonfire Mania

A unicorn sets up a bonfire, while his friend watches  So, you're celebrating a British holiday, even though you're not British  Yep  But that does't make any sense  I mean  Wait, are those sparklers  Celebrate Guy Fawkes Night  It's an excuse to play with fire

My family is probably the only one in the state, if not this side of the country, that celebrates this. 
To those of you that don't know, November 5th is the day when the Brits ritually build a bonfire so they can burn an effigy of the guy who tried to blow up Parliament.  And then they light off the fireworks. 

And why did I draw unicorns?  Because I figured that because unicorns are magical, it's logical that there would be some who could conjure fire, which is handy for lighting fuses, and vampires don't like fire much so I couldn't draw those, and...
Oh, who am I kidding?  I like drawing unicorns, and I needed an excuse to stick them into another comic.  End of story.

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