Saturday, June 23, 2012

Murphy Was Here

Number of people in the dorm when you're trying to sleep: 12  Erin whimpers and covers head with pillow, while people outside chat loudly  Number of people in the dorm when your roommate sets the stove on fire and needs help cleaning up the smoke damage: 2  Erin: How the heck did you start a fire by boiling water  Roommate holds up fire extinguisher: I don't know  How do you work this thing

The sad thing is that for once I'm not exaggerating.  This is exactly what happened at my dorm last year.  No, I still don't know how my roommate managed to start a fire by boiling water.  All I know is that I was up until 10 o'clock at night helping her wipe all the smoke stains off of the walls and ceiling because the head managers were going to do a white-glove clean check in a couple of days.  The rest of my roommates conveniently showed up after most of the work was already done. 

On the plus side, now I can find comfort in knowing that despite all the times my cooking attempts have failed dramatically, I have never screwed up this badly.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cat Wanna

Radio: authorities now estimate the giant rodents to be at least thirty feet in length  These creatures and dangerous, and we advise all civilians to stay indoors and remain calm  Crazy cat lady wields a katana and cats congregate as a shadowy mouse figure approaches the window

And thus the world was saved by a herd of cats and a crazy lady with a katana (cat-tana, get it?  Oh, never mind....) 

And thus a certain cartoonist admitted to herself that she had probably been watching too many cheesy monster B-movies lately.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Desperate Times

Students gather to study, while karaoke night participants sing out of tune  Are you sure this is the only building on campus where the Wi-Fi isn't broken  You've asked that six times, and the answer's still yes

Karaoke is designed to provide entertainment to amateur singers, and torture for everyone else. 
I wouldn't mind so much if the singers would either refrain from doing this on public property, or else learn to actually sing in tune.


Wow.  For a second I actually fooled myself into thinking that was possible.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Teacher at Vampire Night School: Okay, class  Tonight we have a special lesson designed for those who are capable of any degree of shapeshifting  Now I'd like everyone to please shapeshift so that I know what I'm working with  Students transform into a bat, a dear, a cat, and a winged girl, with one left behind  Come on, Terrance  You too  He turns into a butterfly, to his classmates amusement  I hate my life
Vampires are often depicted with shapeshifting abilities, and according to Slavic folklore, they turned into butterflies.  Yes, really. 
Other forms include, of course, the popular bat, cats (with two tails), and sometimes even dogs. 

And in case you're wondering, yes, there is such thing as vampire deer. 
Now you'll never look at Bambi the same way again. 

You're welcome.