Saturday, June 2, 2012


Teacher at Vampire Night School: Okay, class  Tonight we have a special lesson designed for those who are capable of any degree of shapeshifting  Now I'd like everyone to please shapeshift so that I know what I'm working with  Students transform into a bat, a dear, a cat, and a winged girl, with one left behind  Come on, Terrance  You too  He turns into a butterfly, to his classmates amusement  I hate my life
Vampires are often depicted with shapeshifting abilities, and according to Slavic folklore, they turned into butterflies.  Yes, really. 
Other forms include, of course, the popular bat, cats (with two tails), and sometimes even dogs. 

And in case you're wondering, yes, there is such thing as vampire deer. 
Now you'll never look at Bambi the same way again. 

You're welcome.

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