Saturday, July 28, 2012

Vampiric Gold

A crowd watches the vampire olympics, including a rowdy group of Americans  Announcer: And we're still awaiting the judges' scores for Miss Ayres' performance  Next up in the Woman's Maiming Event is Paola Mendoza from Argentina, so stay tuned  Wooh  French vampire: hmph

Because the Olympics aren't just for humans. 

And before anyone gets on my case, I am well aware that the events displayed in the above picture are most likely not in line with the Geneva Convention. 
But really.  Is anything vampires do in line with the Geneva Convention?

Heck.  Are vampires in line with the Geneva Convention?

I'm going on a tangent. 
Why are you still reading this? 
Go watch the Olympics. 
Good day.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Keep Calm

Keep Calm and Draw a Bilby

It's late.  I'm tired.  I've spent the last week obsessing over finals and packing.  So this week you get this poster I made a few months ago. 

In other news, BILBY!!! ^^

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Beginning of the End

Montage of Erin stabbing a voodoo doll representing school;  typing while on the floor;  Must comprehend instructions with deer on her head;  making a phone call  Hi  I was wondering if you sell Time-Turners  Yes, I'm serious;  bawling while hugging stuffed unicorn;  No, I don't want to restart for automatic updates;  whimpering in the corner;  begging of her computer  Internet, I will love you forever and make you cookies if you just start working again;  on the floor with a book on her face  Wha-ha-ha  I'm trying to do a Vulcan Mind Meld with a book  She and roommate sit on beds  Roommate: Just one more week of finals  Erin: I don't think I can keep this up for that long

For the record, the above is more of a representation of my mental state rather than of what I've actually been doing recently.  So no, I haven't been making any voodoo dolls.  This semester.  Special thanks goes to my roommate for agreeing to appear in this comic, even though I kind of posted it before I asked her. 

By my count, I believe this is my 50th comic.  Yay!

Oh, and in case anyone cares, doing a mind-meld with literature doesn't work.  Even if you are an actual Vulcan.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Rocket's Red Glare

Group of kids pool together money  And together we have $483  Hey, mister  We'd like to buy some fireworks  Fireworks stand worker: The holiday is over  We know, but you're still open, right  Um, fine  What do you want  Everything  5 hours later:  boy holds up match, looking at huge firework pile  This is going to be epic  5 minutes later:  They are all on the moon by the United States flag  Remind me how this happened again  This doesn't taste like cheese

1 group of pyromaniac school-age kids + $500 of fireworks on clearance = 1 unplanned trip to the moon. 

Please do not try to replicate this at home.  These people are in the vacuum of space without helmets, which a typical human lung does not appreciate. 

Hmm?  Oh yeah.  And something about hurting yourself with those fireworks.