Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Rocket's Red Glare

Group of kids pool together money  And together we have $483  Hey, mister  We'd like to buy some fireworks  Fireworks stand worker: The holiday is over  We know, but you're still open, right  Um, fine  What do you want  Everything  5 hours later:  boy holds up match, looking at huge firework pile  This is going to be epic  5 minutes later:  They are all on the moon by the United States flag  Remind me how this happened again  This doesn't taste like cheese

1 group of pyromaniac school-age kids + $500 of fireworks on clearance = 1 unplanned trip to the moon. 

Please do not try to replicate this at home.  These people are in the vacuum of space without helmets, which a typical human lung does not appreciate. 

Hmm?  Oh yeah.  And something about hurting yourself with those fireworks.

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