Saturday, December 15, 2012

Last-Ditch Effort

Letters read  Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas this year is to pass my Calculus class  I've been very good  Sincerelly, Robin Grey  Dear Santa, For Christmas, I just want to pass my finals  However, if this is too much trouble, then some chocolate and a stress ball to get me through the aftermath would be much appreciated  Thank you, Lina Yates  Dear Santa, I really need to ace my Civilization test, and a Christmas miracle would be really, really nice  Pretty please  Love, Ed Johnson  Santa sits in a mountain of letters: Ah, finals week  We meet again  Elf:  So this is why you've been avoiding your e-mail lately  Sir  Twelve more bags just arrived

Santa's inbox is probably in the quintuple digits by now.  Looks like he'll be putting his time-warping powers to good use.  Hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

I've just been finishing up my finals for this semester, and then I'm off on break.  And I might have even passed all of my classes.  *Gasp!*  Does this mean I'm actually allowed to get some sleep? 

Nah, must be my imagination. 

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