Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Rules are a Lie

Music Theory 1:  Teacher has chord progression chart stating I love Bach and No parallel 5ths  You must follow these rules exactly when writing music  Bach will kill kittens if you don't  And Major 7th chords are evil  Evil  Music Theory 4:  Teacher is drawing on the whiteboard chaotic music  Today's lesson: Set Theory  Yay Atonality  All right  Sing these chords  Erin: whimper

Have I mentioned before that I'm a music major?  No?  Okay then.  I'm a music major.  Composer, cartoonist, and general starving artist at your service. 

In any case, I tend to run into a lot of rather bizarre stuff.  Case in point, my first-semester theory teachers, who liked to pretend that music had hard-and-fast rules that lasted now and forever.  Then comes Theory 4, in which all the rules get thrown unceremoniously out the window and we learn, as one student put it, how to speak whale. 

It's not all bad weird, though.  Sometimes we have fun.  The other day my teacher discovered this song, which my class then sung on a Christmas caroling expedition to the Theory 1 class.  So to kick off this holiday season, I'll share it with you. 
And if you don't find it even half as funny as I do, well, I won't be mad. 

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