Saturday, November 24, 2012

Black-Out Friday

Black Friday for normal people  Chaotic mass of safari animals  Black Friday for the rest of us  Dog sleeps peacefully by the fire

To all the employees who have bosses either sadistic enough or oblivious to human suffering enough to force you to have the stores opened before midnight on Thursday, you have my profound sympathy. 

In my tradition of defying stereotypes, I'm a girl who hates shopping, even under normal circumstances (unless it's at a book store and not involving textbooks).  Thus, I am at a complete loss as to why anyone, sane or not, would subject themselves to this.  Hint:  If a shopping spree becomes violent enough to warrant being featured on the MSN homepage, there is a problem. 

I think I'll file this under the "mysteries of the universe" category, alongside Dark Energy, the Bermuda Triangle, and why on earth my roommates thought that having an after-curfew hair-dying party was a good idea. 

...Remind me sometime to tell you the story of how my mother nearly destroyed my soul with pants shopping.  *shudder*

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