Saturday, November 10, 2012

From Sea to Shining Sea

Erin adresses the viewer: My fellow Americans, I would like to congratulate us all on surviving yet another election  Now that it's over, it's time for us to remember that though we may all have different ideas, we're all still one nation  Because no matter where we live inside we all  Vampire interrupts: Taste the same  Well, except the people with high cholesterol  And the anemic people taste kind of interesting  Er, I should probably stop talking now  Erin: That may be wise

One botched inspirational speech, brought to you by Dilettante Comics. 

On behalf of the United States, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the rest of the world for infecting the internet with American political nonsense for the last couple of weeks.  Unless you actually like this stuff, in which case you should probably consider therapy. 

I shall now conclude this post by bringing in a horde of sickenly cute children to sing "It's a Small World."

I'm kidding, I'm kidding. 


...You have the song stuck in your head now, right?


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