Saturday, March 30, 2013

And Knowing is Half the Battle

A bilby and a quoll watch Rise of the Guardians on TV  Quoll: They made the Easter Bunny an Aussie  Bilby paints an Easter egg while twitching

Done on request from my siblings.  To those who haven't seen it yet, Rise of the Guardians is a movie involving various amped-up mythological characters, such as Santa and the Tooth Fairy.  And they gave the Easter Bunny an Australian accent and a pair of boomerangs.  Which, while pretty awesome, is completely oblivious to the fact that Aussies are, er, less-than-fond of rabbits.  As in they've written a few dozen books involving evil rabbits, including a handful where the noble Easter Bilby fights against them. 
So if a group of kids from the opposite hemisphere are confused by this, then what do the actual Australians think about this?
And what does the Easter Bilby think?

Anyway, Happy Easter! 

P.S.  That spotty cat-thing?  It's called a quoll
They eat rabbits. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

High School Lesson #2005

A class watches with delight as their teacher is chased by flying chalk and erasers  Student: I've never seen chalk and erasers get possessed and attack a teacher  Me neither  No matter how much you want to kill your teacher, don't  Be patient  Justice will be served

…Or, in the absence of possessed classroom equipment, one can easily exact revenge against a hated teacher by drawing a picture of him/her in a less-than-favorable situation of your choice, then posting it on the internet for all to see. Not to imply that I would ever do such a thing. Uh-uh. Not me.

However, let’s say, hypothetically, that I once had a really stupid middle school teacher (yeah, I know the label says "high school," but this is all hypothetical, remember?). One who would dock point off of worksheets if you didn’t color the headings. One who would force us to fill out sheets full of massively redundant touchy-feely questions. One who would spend more time in the next-door teachers’ lounge than the classroom. One who spent a month forcing the class to play a giant Monopoly game, complete with budget sheets. One who, for our final research project, gave us two weeks to find 500 facts on our topics, write them up on little fact strips, cut them out and paste them in order, and type them up into a ten-page paper. One who was supposed to be a science teacher.

Then, yeah, I’d be just a bit peeved and seriously considering drawing said hypothetical cartoon.

In conclusion, I’d like to remind everyone that this is, of course, purely hypothetical, and that revenge is a dish best served pixelated.

P.S.  I'd also like to apologize for this post being late.  Something went wrong with the picture uploader, just because the universe likes to make things difficult for me (and really, what's a comic blog without a comic?).  Reminds me of the hypothetical time when the family computer hypothetically crashed just before I had to do that hypothetical ten-page final research paper for my hypothetical stupid teacher.  Hypothetically. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Cut Skiing

Erin and her siblings are skiing  Erin: I wonder how Sis is doing  Brother: You know what the next scene would be if this were a TV show, right  Mental image of their sister shooting down the slope out of control and screaming  Erin: Er, yes, I do  Ouch

This year my sister and I went skiing for the first time, accompanied by my vastly more experienced brother and father.   I could probably write a whole series of comics about my misadventures that day (like, say, the fact that I learned just how many weird positions I could twist my legs into without breaking them).   Maybe I will sometime.

Anyway, despite what this comic may suggest, my sister did much better than I did.   I’m pretty sure that at no point did she speed down the hill out of control, screaming like a lunatic.   However the depicted conversation, while not word-for-word, really happened.  Because my brother and I are either really genre-savvy or really paranoid. 
Or both. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Zit That Wouldn't Die!

Movie Poster: A nightmarish horror unleashed upon a thousand screaming innocents  Atiya Nader  Reilly Kant  The Zit that Wouldn't Die  A Dilettante Production

How do you tell if an artist has watched a lot of Mystery Science Theater 3000?  She draws something like this.  That's how you tell. 

I suddenly feel compelled to throw popcorn at myself....

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Something's Biting

Two unicorns walk in the woods at night  Careful  There are vampire around here  Really  Are you sure  He pulls a dummy head from his bag, puts it on the end of his horn, sticks it in the bushes, and pulls out a vampire  Yeah, pretty sure

Having a decoy when you're dealing with vampires is generally a good idea.  Especially if you're one of those people who like to go fishing for vampires with a decoy attached to the horn growing out of your head. 

In other news, vampires and unicorns in the same cartoon!  Wooh! 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Happy March!

We made it past Purgatory (February, whatever)!  Yay!  I'm also pleased to announce that yesterday I completed the RPM Challenge (record an album of 10 songs or 35 minutes of music during the month of February).  So if you feel like finding out what I do when I'm not drawing vampires, you can listen to my work here
Oh, yeah.  And here's another Birthstone Unicorn picture.  Enjoy!