Sunday, March 24, 2013

High School Lesson #2005

A class watches with delight as their teacher is chased by flying chalk and erasers  Student: I've never seen chalk and erasers get possessed and attack a teacher  Me neither  No matter how much you want to kill your teacher, don't  Be patient  Justice will be served

…Or, in the absence of possessed classroom equipment, one can easily exact revenge against a hated teacher by drawing a picture of him/her in a less-than-favorable situation of your choice, then posting it on the internet for all to see. Not to imply that I would ever do such a thing. Uh-uh. Not me.

However, let’s say, hypothetically, that I once had a really stupid middle school teacher (yeah, I know the label says "high school," but this is all hypothetical, remember?). One who would dock point off of worksheets if you didn’t color the headings. One who would force us to fill out sheets full of massively redundant touchy-feely questions. One who would spend more time in the next-door teachers’ lounge than the classroom. One who spent a month forcing the class to play a giant Monopoly game, complete with budget sheets. One who, for our final research project, gave us two weeks to find 500 facts on our topics, write them up on little fact strips, cut them out and paste them in order, and type them up into a ten-page paper. One who was supposed to be a science teacher.

Then, yeah, I’d be just a bit peeved and seriously considering drawing said hypothetical cartoon.

In conclusion, I’d like to remind everyone that this is, of course, purely hypothetical, and that revenge is a dish best served pixelated.

P.S.  I'd also like to apologize for this post being late.  Something went wrong with the picture uploader, just because the universe likes to make things difficult for me (and really, what's a comic blog without a comic?).  Reminds me of the hypothetical time when the family computer hypothetically crashed just before I had to do that hypothetical ten-page final research paper for my hypothetical stupid teacher.  Hypothetically. 

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