Friday, April 26, 2013

Many Strengths

Poster image of winged girl diving into space ocean  I have many strengths, reality just isn't one of them

Okay, so not exactly a straight-out funny picture, but I've had kind of a stressful week (first week back to school.  Yay!) and I felt like doing something different, so that's what happened.  Besides, it's my blog, so I get to make up the rules, right? 

So in the last week alone, I have faced psychotic roommates, an oversized mass of overpriced textbooks, scheduling woes, and an insidious plot to prevent me from graduating.  Fortunately, the people at the advising center are actually human and rescued me from sudden-death overtime.  So I'm drawing comics and I'm still alive. 

For the moment, anyway.  Keep your fingers crossed. 

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