Friday, May 16, 2014

No Re Mi

Do, a deer, a female deer, Bambie verses Godzilla  Re, a drop of golden sun, man crawls across desert  Mi, a name I call myself, clone machine  Fa, a long, long way to run, escape zombies  So, a needle pulling thread, stitching Frankenstein's monster  La, a note to follow So, sings off-key, listener covers ears  Ti, a drink with jam and bread, the Boston Tea Party  And that will bring us back to  Never mind, Godzilla squashes doe

I'm probably going to get in trouble for this one.
Granted, given how many times I've had people being mauled by vampires in my comics it shouldn't come as that big of a surprise.  But still...

Anyway, this is what happens when a slightly psychotic music major has heard a certain song a few too many times.  But you probably already guessed that.

And because I'm now obligated to include the video that influenced part of this...

My apologies to the world in general. 

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