Friday, September 26, 2014

The Whole Caboodle

Mother cat sits on windowsill, covering her ears while kittens try to get her attention  Mom  Ursa's breathing my air again  Mom  Mom  Mom  Mom  Is it lunchtime yet  MomMomMomMomMomMomMomMomMom  How about now  Can I play with your tail again

Momma needs a break.  And possibly some earplugs.

We have a herd of semi-feral cats living around my house, which like to congregate on our porch.  My father frequently complains that there are too many, and one of the mother cats seems to be in complete agreement. 

In other news, I had fun adding texture to the picture.  Can you tell?

Friday, September 19, 2014

High School Lesson #9666

Westpoint High School is on fire  The teachers glare at the student responsible  There was a spider  It was a big spider  Just because a problem can be solved with napalm doesn't mean it should be solved with napalm

As a general note to all science teachers:  lock up your chemicals.  And your pets.  Especially the ones with too many legs.  Keeping them at opposite ends of the school might also help. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

At the Science Mart

Scientist at the grocery store unloads a cart of Quark Soup, Blueshift Berries, Primordal Soup, Mendal frozen peas, Francis Bacon, Heim Theory Ketchup, Hubble Bubble bubblegum, String Theory Cheese, Lucky Charm Quarks cereal, and Brane Food

Pun levels have reached critical density.  Run for your lives! 

So here we have a truckload (or at least a shopping cart load) of scientific wordplay and other bad jokes, about half of which won't make much sense to most people.  But it made me happy, so humor me.

In the meantime, I can fulfill whatever education obligation may be randomly imposed on this blog by including links to all the stuff referenced here.  Yay!  Enlightenment stuff!

-Quark Soup
-Primordial Soup
-Mendelian Inheritance
-Heim Theory
-Edwin Hubble
-Francis Bacon
-String Theory
-Charm Quark

Friday, September 5, 2014

Normal is Relatives

Steve arrives at Mel's apartment door  Mel: Hi, Steve  Steve: Hey  Carmine and Pearl fight  ummm  Steve: So these are your roommates  Mel: Er, yes  That's Pearl, and that's Carmine  Pearl holding knife: You seem remarkably calm  Steve: My cousins are vampires  Pearl and Carmine exchange glances  Carmine: Are they cute  Pearl: Do you need me to stake them

This is a landmark comic in that Steve has, for the first time ever, been caught smiling.  Stand in shock and awe. 

Oh yeah, and we also finally find out Mel's roommates' names.  But that's not nearly as important. 

Do to extenuating circumstances, the addition of color to this comic has been only somewhat avoidably delayed.  This will be corrected once I awake from my coma.  And get some breakfast.  And maybe some more sleep.  But then color, I promise.

EDIT:  Now in technicolor!  This announcement should properly be accompanied by the Hallelujah Chorus, so hum the tune while you read this.  I know you all know it.