Friday, September 12, 2014

At the Science Mart

Scientist at the grocery store unloads a cart of Quark Soup, Blueshift Berries, Primordal Soup, Mendal frozen peas, Francis Bacon, Heim Theory Ketchup, Hubble Bubble bubblegum, String Theory Cheese, Lucky Charm Quarks cereal, and Brane Food

Pun levels have reached critical density.  Run for your lives! 

So here we have a truckload (or at least a shopping cart load) of scientific wordplay and other bad jokes, about half of which won't make much sense to most people.  But it made me happy, so humor me.

In the meantime, I can fulfill whatever education obligation may be randomly imposed on this blog by including links to all the stuff referenced here.  Yay!  Enlightenment stuff!

-Quark Soup
-Primordial Soup
-Mendelian Inheritance
-Heim Theory
-Edwin Hubble
-Francis Bacon
-String Theory
-Charm Quark

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