Friday, September 5, 2014

Normal is Relatives

Steve arrives at Mel's apartment door  Mel: Hi, Steve  Steve: Hey  Carmine and Pearl fight  ummm  Steve: So these are your roommates  Mel: Er, yes  That's Pearl, and that's Carmine  Pearl holding knife: You seem remarkably calm  Steve: My cousins are vampires  Pearl and Carmine exchange glances  Carmine: Are they cute  Pearl: Do you need me to stake them

This is a landmark comic in that Steve has, for the first time ever, been caught smiling.  Stand in shock and awe. 

Oh yeah, and we also finally find out Mel's roommates' names.  But that's not nearly as important. 

Do to extenuating circumstances, the addition of color to this comic has been only somewhat avoidably delayed.  This will be corrected once I awake from my coma.  And get some breakfast.  And maybe some more sleep.  But then color, I promise.

EDIT:  Now in technicolor!  This announcement should properly be accompanied by the Hallelujah Chorus, so hum the tune while you read this.  I know you all know it. 

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