Friday, August 29, 2014

I Fear the '90s

TV television comercial  It's Springa-Sproing the talking, bouncing toy  Wow  Viewers hide behind couch  Is it safe to come out yet  I thought they banned commercials like ths at the end of the '90s

There were several good things about the 1990s.  This wasn't one of them.  Granted, there are plenty of nauseatingly cheerful toy commercials these days as well, but the '90s commercials had their own special brand of awful.  Not depicted is the obnoxious-yet-prone-to-get-stuck-in-your-head ditties that generally accompanied said commercials. 

...Never mind.  We've still got those.  

And my family wonders why I've never bothered to learn how to properly operate a television past off/on and volume. 

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