Friday, August 1, 2014

Buffalo Drill

Yellowstone Park tourists stand way too close to a buffalo  Sigfried  Take a picture of me petting the buffalo  Passengers in car  Hoo boy  Writes letter starting Dear Darwin Awards

Darwin Awards n:  an award commemorating those who bravely improve the gene pool by removing themselves from it.  To Sigfried's friend, we thank you. 

Behold, the average group of tourists at Yellowstone National Park.  Observe as they block traffic for several miles as they park their cars in sections too narrow to pass, skip back and forth across the road without bothering to check if another car is coming, and get ludicrously close to animals weighing about a ton, cheerfully ignoring the fact that these are the same animals responsible in the park's history for three times more attacks than bears.

If you've ever wondered why locals tend to grumble a lot at Californians, this is why. 

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