Friday, July 25, 2014

Beware the Shiny

Erin and roommates clean the kitchen  Does anyone remember who all these knives belong to  Huh  Not a clue  If no one wants them, I'll have them  Carries off mass of knives  She's going to kill people  Uh-oh

This week concluded my final semester at college (Hallelujah!!! (nobody jinx it)).  As a side effect, I also had to pack, clean, and remove myself from my apartment, along with the rest of my roommates.  Unfortunately, there was a lot of unclaimed junk lying around, a result of several semesters' worth of roommates bequeathing stuff to other roommates, who then promptly forgot about it.  That led to this happening.  To elaborate, this roommate is one of a pair (the other wasn't present at the time) who are the very closest of friends when they are not actively trying to kill each other.  As in, one once literally tried to bite the other's face off.  How we avoided having blood splattered across the walls remains a mystery to me.  So you can understand why one of them being in possession of a large quantity of knives was of concern to the rest of us, even if none of use would be sharing an apartment with them again.  Pray for their future roommates. 

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