Saturday, July 19, 2014

Finals: Flooding 101

School hallways are flooded with muddy water, to the dismay of teachers and students  You really should stop praying that finals will be delayed

Be careful what you wish for...

So thanks to my school's weird schedule, finals week for the semester is currently in full force.  Naturally, so is Murphy's Law.  Tuesday started out like a typical hot, sunny July day.  Then it hailed.  Then it stopped for a while, and then started raining.  A lot.  I didn't think too much of it until I looked outside my apartment and saw that there was a river where our parking lot had been.  This was only the beginning.  The majority of the sidewalks were submerged, half of the buildings on campus were flooded, and the testing center had been shut down.  The storm drains installed around campus did approximately zilch because apparently no one had thought to keep them clean.  Needless to say, everyone was soaked when it was over and the entire town was declared out-of-order.
This was, of course, the day that I had books due back at the library. 
Fortunately, no one (as far as I know) was hurt, all but one of the campus buildings was reopened the next day, and my apartment was spared, which allowed me to somewhat enjoy this bizarre turn of events.  As for the people downhill of where I live... er, not so much.  To those people, I really am sorry and I hope you can forgive me for making light of what happened and not try to hunt me down.  Hopefully we can all laugh about it in a few years. 

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