Friday, June 19, 2015

The Humanity Percentage

Pearl lights candles  Mel: Carmine and I decided that you don't get out of the house enough, so we set you up on a date  Pearl: Oh, and you set me with a vampire as a joke, right  Well, forget it  Mel: Stop being so paranoid  This guy has 100 one hundred percent human DNA  Right  Carmine: Right  Pearl: Fine  Pearl sits at resturant with zombie: I'm going to string them by their toes  Zombie: so you're a vampire hunter  That's pretty cool  I was in a band with a vamp once, but man, was he hard to work with
Technically human?  Yes.  Great personality?  Yes.  Common interests?  Yes.  Alive?  Well... 

Having absolutely no life outside of trying to kill your roommate can have unforeseen consequences. 

Note:  Am tired.  Will add color when not tired, or at least conscious.  Sorry. 

EDIT:  Now there is color, and it is glorious.  Glorious, I say!

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