Friday, October 9, 2015

It's a Small Underworld

Loki is chained to rock in cave  Hel, Jormugand, and Fenrir enter  Wife: You have visitors  Loki: Kids  It's been so long  How are you  Hel: Only still facing trouble over that stunt you pulled with Balder  Loki: No matter  Once I'm free, we shall conquer Asgard and you shall serve me as my faithful children  They roll eyes  Hel: Right  Well to show our appreciation, we thought we'd sing you a song  Loki: Ah  An epic about my glory days, perhaps  All three sing It's a small world after all  Loki: No  Anything but that  I thought you loved me

Condemned for murder?  Huh.  Chained to a rock until the end of the world?  Meh.  Viper constantly dripping poison on your face?  Whatever.  Being forced to listen to your offspring sing sappy songs?  Now that's cruel and unusual.  Don't worry.  Loki had it coming
At least they're not singing "Kumbaya."  This time. 

It's October, which means that we once again commence with the annual Deities of Death Fest, this time in a Nordic fashion.  Starring Hel with her brothers Jormungand and Fenris and her estranged father, Loki. 

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