Friday, October 2, 2015

Things to Run Away From

Steve and Mel eat lunch at Pulsar Pasta  Steve: I know you have a four-person apartment  Did you ever have a fourth roommate  Mel: Well, there was Hazel  Flashback of Hazel entering apartment  Hello  Mel: Hi  Pearl and Carmine prepare to do battle  Hazel turns around and leaves: Nope  Mel: She sleeps in the library basement now  Steve: I'm not sure which of you is the crazy one

Why first impressions are very, very important.  The correct one could save someone's life.  Or at least their sanity. 

Note:  Colors will be forthcoming, and will be accompanied by the traditional "the artist needs sleep" excuse. 

EDIT:  Color now!  You are required by law to admire it. 

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