Friday, April 22, 2016

Art Most Modern

Email  Subject: Art Project  Don't forget, the assignment is due today  Art students shout  It was today  Hurridly apply paint to canvas in a variety of unconventional methods  Squirting, hand and finger painting, holding brush in mouth, shoes, paint roller  In the classroom they display the finished paintings  Student: My composition shows an abstract impression of plant life, rendered in organic textures  This is contrasted by the saturated, synthetic colors, which themselves display complementary contrast  You've got paint on your face  Teacher: Excellent work everyone  You all get A's

The rule these days seems to be that if you argue loudly enough that it's art, it's art.  It's a good thing that this isn't the case with the laws of science, or we'd all be in a lot of trouble. 

That said, all of these are better than some of the actual works I've seen on display at a modern art museum, which don't even have the excuse of last-minute panic.  There was one that looked like it had been thrown together using a spirograph and junk from under the couch cushions.  Another was composed solely of twelve blue tiles, with the shade of blue of each being determined by how many times the "artist" had used the bus in a particular month (the most interesting part of that one was a place that had accidentally been scratched).  And then there is the one that is literally nothing more than a black, football-shaped blob on white paper.  Do I need more examples, or have I made my point?

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