Friday, April 1, 2016

The Joke's on Who?

Pearl's alarm clock beeps at 7:00 AM  She goes into the bathroom, sees her reflection in the mirror, and sees two red, apparently bleeding spots on her neck  Pearl screams: Mellll  Mel and Carmine eat breakfast  Mel holds bottle labeled Costume Blood Makeup: How did she know it was me  Carmine pours a glass of purple blood:  Because I wouldn't try anything funny with the girl who sleeps with an ax  Also, did you really have to put food coloring in my stash  Mel eats cereal: Absolutely
Baiting already dangerous roommates is now officially considered an extreme sport.  As declared by me, because I can. 

Note:  Yes, the color is late.  Again.  But at least I colored in the important parts, right?

EDIT:  Color pixels found!  Oh, most glorious delight and joy!

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