Friday, September 9, 2016

Hold the Fort

Sign: Welcome to the Eastpoint Library  Patron speaks to librarian at desk: Hi, I'm  Librarian: Clio Newbery, come to pick up the books you put on hold  Clio: Er, yes  How did you know  Librarian: Oh, everyone here know who you are  points behind her  Clio turns around: What do you  oh  An entire shelf of books labeled Reserved for C Newbery  Librarian: I don't think you'll be able to fit it all in a wheelbarrow this time

When all the librarians in the state know you by name and favorite authors...
When you require six library cards to legally check out everything...
When people openly speculate over how you manage to read everything before the due dates...
...Then you may check out too many books from the library. 

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